How does this work? Where does all this data come from?

ReversePhoneDetective is an advanced search gateway that allows you to access billions of public records and government documents. The data is collected and organized from hundreds of different sources.

(Note: ReversePhoneDetective does not engage in "pretexting" or any investigation methods of questionable legal nature. All records and information are derived from public record and other legal sources.)

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What is the purpose of a reverse phone search?

There are many reasons why you might want to conduct a reverse phone search:

* Find out the source of a harassing ("prank") caller
* Investigate a "suspicious" number that you found on your boyfriend/girlfriend's phone
* Research a number that appeared on your phone bill
* Locate an old friend from high school or college
* Research "missed calls" on your caller ID that you don't recognize
* Lookup someone's exact address
* And more...

Note: By using our website, you agree not to use information found within our product for illegal reasons. Please read our End User Agreement for more information.

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Is anyone notified when I search for them?

No, absolutely not. Your searches within our database will be held strictly confidential.

How do I get my own information deleted from these databases?

Although we don't directly manage the records within the databases, it is possible to get your privacy information removed from most sources by contacting the appropriate agencies. On the registration page, choose your membership plan and select the check box near the bottom that says "Yes, I want to make my data private."

You'll receive complete instructions for removing your personal information from these public databases. (Click here for more information on this package.)

Note: You are not REQUIRED to purchase our product or Online Privacy Protection package in order to "opt-out" of the databases we provide access to. This package simply offers helpful information and tips for protecting your privacy online, along with links to opt-out from brokers. For additional information for opting out of public databases, we recommend you visit Privacy Rights.

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How do I register to become a member?

To register, simply choose your preferred payment option and then checkout using our secure order form. Click here to get started